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History of the Worumbo Site

Following the Worumbo mill fire in the late 1980’s, the white mill building remained a prominent structure in Lisbon Falls for many years. When Miller Industries went out of business, the owner eventually tore the mill down leaving a clear lot along the river in Lisbon. When the property went into bankruptcy, in 2019, the Town of Lisbon was able to obtain ownership of the property. The fees to purchase and clean up the property are estimated to have cost just about $100,000.00. The town could confirm costs if asked.

Over the last several years, we have been given the opportunity to experience the magnificent view that this lot now provides. During the last year, the town administration has begun discussing potential development opportunities for this lot. They have had several community meetings. Unfortunately, these meetings were not well advertised, and they were attended by small groups of interested people. Most recently, the Town held a meeting at the MTM meeting where 3 development options were presented to the public. This meeting was attended by less than 20 residents and roughly 15 councilors and town employees. Following this meeting, an electronic poll was sent out through email and social media. Approximately 300 responses were collected. While the survey resulted in many folks supporting development, it was faulty in its design in that it did not allow residents to select “Public Park” as an option for the future of this lot.

Recently, the town council approved the Economic Development office’s request to begin working with potential developers to design two multi use buildings, 3-4 stories in height which will include up to 60 residential units. We are very concerned that these buildings will permanently impact the future of our town and we urge you to contact the town officials and let them know that this is not what we want to see happen with this beautiful site. 

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